Kansas Mental Health Coalition
Speaking with one voice to meet critical needs of people with mental illness.
Click on underlined items for web links.
May 25, 2022
9:30 a.m. Welcome and Introductions Mary Jones, President
Minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes Draft
Annual Business Meeting and Elections
Financial Report - Amy Campbell
Annual Elections - Nominations are welcome from the floor in addition to those from the nominations committee.
Board Nominations for 2022-2025: Colin Thomasset, Sherrie Vaughn, Jane Rhys, Monica Kurz, Shereen Ellis to be renewed. New Board Member nominations: Lori Barnes, public member, and Lisa Southern, CEO Compass Behavioral Health.
Officer Nominations for 2022-2024: President Mary Jones - 2nd term, Vice President - Sherrie Vaughn - 1st term, Treasurer - Shereen Ellis, 1st term. (Jane Rhys - Secretary continues to serve through 2023.)
9:35 a.m. Reports
Board of Directors - meet June 22 11:35 a.m.
Advocacy Committee – Amy Campbell / Mary Jones
Governor’s Behavioral Health Services Planning Council – Wes Cole, Chair
Big Tent Coalition - Mike Burgess
KanCare Advocates Network - Sean Gatewood
Consumer Programs - Matt Spezia, P3 / Nancy Jensen
Parity Committee - Rick Cagan
Suicide Prevention Coalition / 988 Crisis Line - Monica Kurz
10:00 a.m. Program Update: Rick Cagan, Tobacco Cessation Project
10:30 a.m. Agency Update: Andy Brown, Behavioral Health Commissioner
11:00 a.m. Lobbyist Report Amy Campbell
Veto Session and Sine Die
988 Crisis Hotline Legislation - HB 2281 - Now House Sub for SB 19 (link)
Housing Legislation
Legislative Mega-Budget - see spreadsheet
Medicaid Reimbursement Increase
CCBHC mini-grants
Crisis Intervention Centers
Suicide Prevention Funding
State Hospital Improvements and Regional Beds
Direct Care Worker Increases
KanCare Contracts Extension / RFP Delay
Competency and Restoration Changes
Axe the Tax - Food Sales Tax Repeal
SPARK Executive Committee and Advisory Panels - Distribution of Federal Recovery Funds
Advisory Panel Recommendations to SPARK Exec: 4-18-22 (includes Health) 4-15-22
11:25 a.m. Announcements
11:30 a.m. Adjourn
2022 Schedule: Jan 26, Feb 23, Mar 30, April 27, May 25, June 22, July 27, August 24, September 28, October 26, Nov 16, Dec 14
Board Meetings: 12 noon quarterly the 4th Wednesdays (March 30, June 22, Sept. 28, Dec. 14)
For more information, contact: Kansas Mental Health Coalition
c/o Amy A. Campbell, Lobbyist, P.O. Box 4103, Topeka, KS 66604
785-969-1617 campbell525@sbcglobal.net