Kansas Mental Health Coalition
Speaking with one voice to meet critical needs of people with mental illness.
Agenda for July 24, 2013 Please RSVP and bring $5 for lunch provided by Valeo.
Valeo Behavioral Health Center, 330 SW Oakley, Topeka, KS
teleconference access 1-877-278-8686, code820091 use codes to cut background noise: *7 mute / *9 unmute)
12 noon – 1:00 p.m.
David Wiebe, presiding
Old Business:
New Business:
Review Board Policies and Bylaws
Website / Grassroots Advocacy options
Future meeting guests and topics
KMHC Meetings: 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 2013: Jan 23, Feb 27, March 27, April 24, May 22, June 26, July 24, Aug. 28, Sept. 25, Oct. 23, Nov. 20, Dec. 18
Board Meetings: 12 noon quarterly the 4th Wednesdays (March 27, July 24, Sept 25, Dec 18)
Mental Health Advocacy Day: March 14, 2013
For More Information, Contact: Kansas Mental Health Coalition c/o Amy A. Campbell, Lobbyist
P.O. Box 4103, Topeka, KS 66604
785-969-1617, fx: 785-271-8143, campbell525@sbcglobal.net
David Wiebe, President
5608 Cherokee Circle, Fairway, KS 66205
913-645-6175; dwiebe@kc.rr.com