Kansas Mental Health Coalition
Speaking with one voice to meet critical needs of people with mental illness.
February 27, 2013 Valeo Behavioral Health Center, 330 SW Oakley, Topeka, KS
(teleconference access 1-877-278-8686, enter 820091 use codes: *7 mute / *9 unmute)
9:00 a.m.
Introductions and sign-in sheet Rick Cagan, Vice President
Financial Report JoLana Pinon, Treasurer
Minutes of the previous meeting.
Board of Directors Report – Call for candidates for Vice President, Treasurer and Board of Directors for May elections..
9:15 a.m. Reports
Hospital to Home –
Advocacy Committee –Grassroots Advocacy Network - Rick Cagan / Sue Lewis
Advocacy Day is March 14, 2013.
Governor’s Mental Health Services Planning Council – Wes Cole
Mental Health and Aging Coalition –
Children’s Issues – .
10:00 a.m. Legislative Report and Discussion – Amy Campbell
11:00 a.m. KDADS Report: Angela Hagen
11:25 a.m. Announcements:
11:30 a.m. Adjourn
KMHC Meetings: 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 2013: Jan 23, Feb 27, March 27, April 24, May 22, June 26, July 24, Aug. 28, Sept. 25, Oct. 23, Nov. 20, Dec. 18
Board Meetings: 12 noon quarterly the 4th Wednesdays (March 28, July 25, Sept 26, Dec 19)
Mental Health Advocacy Day: March 14, 2013
For more information, contact: Kansas Mental Health Coalition
c/o Amy A. Campbell, Lobbyist
P.O. Box 4103, Topeka, KS 66604
785-969-1617, fax: 785-234-9718, campbell525@sbcglobal.net
David Wiebe, President
5608 Cherokee Circle, Fairway, KS 66205 913-645-6175, dwiebe@kc.rr.com