Mental Health Advocacy Committee Meeting
Monica Kurz, Chair
11:00 a.m. Call to Order
2025 Advocacy Day Debriefing
Financial wrap-up - are all bills submitted and paid?
Reimbursement authorization
What worked well?
What did not work well?
Target date for 2026
Review Volunteer Reports
- Fundraising - sponsor follow up see list below: Mary, Monica, Amy
- Exhibitors - see list below - Lori -
- Lunch - Mary
- Volunteers- Monica
- Training - Isaac, Lori
- Packets - Working with KanOkla; update from Mary or Lori on packet stuffing
- Registration - Sheilah with help from day-of volunteers
- Cookies, snacks - Lori
- Afternoon Ice Cream Social - Suicide Prevention
- Rally and Awards - Mary, Amy, Monica: One speaker confirmed
- Issue Papers - Amy -
- Interpreter Services- Kelsey
- Second Floor Selfie Station- Tim K
See sponsor spreadsheet sorted by type and date registered. 13 tables
Palladium – Lunch - Healthy Blue Kansas
Palladium – Lunch - Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas (no table)
Palladium - UHC Community Plan of Kansas
Platinum – Johnson County Mental Health
Platinum – Netsmart
Platinum – Health Forward Foundation (no table)
Gold - AdventHealth
Gold - HeadQuarters Kansas
Gold - Kansas Clubhouse Coalition
Silver - Mission Health
Silver - Sunflower Health Plan
Silver - ACMHCK
Silver - Kansas Clubhouse Coalition
Silver - REACH Foundation (no table)
Silver - Camber Children's Mental Health
Silver - Fully Promoted (no table)
Silver - KanOkla (no table)
In Kind - Nothing Bundt Cakes (no table)
Kansas Mental Health Coalition
See exhibitor spreadsheet sorted by date registered for priority. 20 tables
- The Lotus House
- Breakthrough Clubhouse
- Breakthrough Clubhouse
- Saint Francis Ministries
- Kansas Consumer Advisory Council
- Reclamation Clubhouse, Pathway To Hope, Inc.
- Disability Rights Center of Kansas
- Mental Health America of South Central Kansas
- HealthSource
- Sunshine Connection of Topeka, Inc.
- Florence Crittenton Services of Topeka, Inc.
- NAMI Kansas
- Valeo Behavioral Health Care
- Kansas Suicide Prevention Coalition
- Breakthrough House Inc
- Osawatomie State Hospital
- Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center
- Working Healthy
12:00 p.m. Adjourn