MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCACY DAY is hosted by the Kansas Mental Health Coalition to provide an opportunity for Kansans from across the state to talk about mental health at the State Capitol!
Advocacy Day Exhibitors will be set up in the rotunda on the first and second floors of the Kansas State Capitol. from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tables are pre-assigned and lunch is provided for up to two staff at no charge. SPACE IS LIMITED AND REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE WHEN FULL.
Please be sure your membership is paid for 2025 if you select a member rate.
If you have more than 2 people at your table, please register them at 2025 Attendee RSVP Kansas Mental Health Advocacy Day Groups / attendees should be registered at the Attendee RSVP link. This will assure that they have nametags, free lunches and packets at registration.
If you are signed up as a sponsor, you do not need to sign up at this link to exhibit. The table is included in your sponsorship.
You may set up as early as 8:00 a.m. Please do not leave until 3:30 p.m. Parking around the Capitol is limited - allow extra time and consider dropping off your group at the north entrance then parking. You must enter the Capitol through the north entrance. or Kansas State Capitol Parking and Directions.pdf see PDF document here. That link shows some parking garages. Parking south of the Judicial Center is free. If you want to park on the street, bring plenty of change. There are some 10 hour meters on Jackson between 9th and 10th street that are usually open if you arrive by 8:30 a.m. Yellow meters are 10 hours, gray meters are two hours and green meters have a one hour limit. The underground parking garage is limited to two hours. Crosby Place and Centre City Garages are in the link above and require parking fees.
If you have questions, please email with ADVOCACY DAY REQUEST in the subject line.
(c) Kansas Mental Health Coalition, P.O. Box 4744, Topeka, KS 66604 785-969-1617