Mental Health Advocacy Committee Meeting
Monica Kurz, Chair
11:00 a.m. Call to Order
Member Introductions
Review previous meeting notes
Review sponsor contacts and assign communications & followups See sample letter 2024 Sponsor sheet
- Healthy Blue Kansas - 2000
- Health Forward - 1500
- AdventHealth - 1000
- Mission Health - 500
Review Volunteer Reports
- Fundraising - sponsor followup: Mary, Monica, Amy, Jessica
- Healthy Blue, Sunflower
- Exhibitors - Lori - exhibitor registration opens in January
- Lunch - Mary
- Training - Isaac, Lori
- Packets -
- Registration - Jessica and ________ (HQ will have a smaller team this year)
- Cookies, snacks - Lori
- Afternoon Ice Cream Social - Suicide Prevention
- Rally and Awards - Mary and Amy
- Issue Papers - Amy - committee members please review the 2024 issue papers for needed updates and amendments or new advocacy priorities
Special Guests?
Key groups we should invite?
Second Floor Incentives: Ideas include selfie station, banner to sign, bingo card, lots of individuals directing participants to second floor
Will we provide lanyards this year? Can we get a sponsor for that?
How can we enhance the experience for our deaf and hard of hearing participants?
12:00 p.m. Adjourn