Kansas Mental Health Coalition
Speaking with one voice to meet critical needs of people with mental illness.
Agenda for March 27, 2019 Valeo Behavioral Health Center - 330 SW Oakley, Topeka, KS
Please bring cash if you would like to contribute to meat/cheese/fruit selection.
Teleconference access 1-515-606-5183, enter 567518
Meeting room wi-fi: Guest@ccess
11:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
President convenes
Old Business:
· Budget discussion See handout
· Discuss developing member recognition program
New Business:
- Insurance Policies Current
- Appoint Nominations Committee
- Create new working committee for Mental Health Parity
2019 Schedule - Future meeting guests and topics
Advocacy Day - March 14, 2019
2019 KMHC Meetings: 9 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Jan 23, Feb. 27, Mar. 27, April 24, May 22, June 26, July 24, Aug 28, Sept. 25, Oct. 23, Nov 20, Dec. 18
Board Meetings: 12 noon quarterly the 4th Wednesdays (March 27, June 26, Sept. 25, Dec. 18)
Board Members
Bob Chase
Jane Adams
Eric Harkness
Susan Crain Lewis
Dr. Sherrie Vaughn |
Kyle Kessler
Mary Jones
Walt Hill
Dana Schoffelman
Dave Ranney
Colin Thomasset |
Sherrie Watkins-Alvey
Jane Rhys
For More Information, Contact: Kansas Mental Health Coalition c/o Amy A. Campbell, Lobbyist
P.O. Box 4103, Topeka, KS 66604 - 785-969-1617, fx: 785-234-9718, campbell525@sbcglobal.net