Join Grassroots Advocacy Network
The Kansas Mental Health Coalition is recruiting and training mental health and disability advocates from among consumers, family members, service providers and other interested persons to build a statewide network of Legislative District Advocates to influence public policy through their state and local elected officials. There is no registration cost. Resources are available to defray travel costs as well as costs for meals and lodging for those who cannot otherwise afford to participate. Lunch will be provided for all participants. During registration, you will be asked to provide the district numbers of your state representative and state senator and U.S. congressional district. You can find these at You will also be asked to agree to a commitment to perform the role of Grassroots Advocate. The free training event will prepare you for this role but is optional.
If you have not already done so, please review the Program Description and GAN Position Description.
Program Description
GAN Position Description
(c) Kansas Mental Health Coalition, P.O. Box 4744, Topeka, KS 66604 785-969-1617