Kansas Mental Health Coalition
Speaking with one voice to meet critical needs of people with mental illness.
Agenda for June 22, 2016 Please RSVP and bring $8 for lunch provided by Valeo.
Valeo Behavioral Health Center, 330 SW Oakley, Topeka, KS
teleconference access 1-877-278-8686, code820091 use codes to cut background noise: *7 mute / *9 unmute)
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sue Lewis, presiding
Old Business:
Distribute bylaws and policies and procedures
Status of Kansas Health Foundation Grant process
New Business:
- Review and approve IRS Form 990
Read Form 990 See attachment
- Review Budget and Membership Reports Andy Brown and Amy Campbell
- 2016 Schedule - Future meeting guests and topics
Meeting room is not available December 14 until 11 a.m. Change to Dec. 21? Start later in the day?
2016 KMHC Meetings: 9 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Jan 27, Feb. 24, Mar. 23, April 27, May 25, June 22, July 27, Aug 24, Sept. 28, Oct. 26, Nov 16, Dec. 14
Board Meetings: 12 noon quarterly the 4th Wednesdays (March 23, June 22, Sept. 28, Dec. 21)
Board Members
Andy Brown
Jane Adams
Glen Yancey
Susan Crain Lewis
Rick Cagan
Eric Harkness
Sky Westerlund
Walt Hill
Kyle Kessler
Carol Manning
Bill Persinger
Stephen Feinstein
Bob Chase
Jane Rhys |
Patrick Yancey |
For More Information, Contact: Kansas Mental Health Coalition c/o Amy A. Campbell, Lobbyist
P.O. Box 4103, Topeka, KS 66604
785-969-1617, fx: 785-271-8143, campbell525@sbcglobal.net