Kansas Mental Health Coalition
Speaking with one voice to meet critical needs of people with mental illness.
Click on underlined items for web links.
May 25, 2016 Monthly Meeting
Valeo Behavioral Health Center - 330 SW Oakley, Topeka, KS - Basement Conference Room
(teleconference access 1-877-278-8686, enter 982797 use codes: *7 mute / *9 unmute)
Meeting room wi-fi: Guest@ccess
9:00 a.m.
Introductions and sign-in sheet Susan Lewis, President
Financial Report Andy Brown, Treasurer
Please renew your membership at KMHC website - the site will generate an invoice to pay by check. Contact Amy if you have questions.
Minutes of the previous meeting. Read Minutes
9:45 a.m. Reports
Board of Directors - Will meet in June.
Advocacy Committee –Grassroots Advocacy Network - Eric Harkness, Chair - Committee meets immediately following the Coalition meeting.
Kansas Health Foundation Grant application
Mental Health and Aging Coalition - If someone would like to attend either in person or virtually, they should send their name and contact information, including email, to courtneyminter@carehavenhomes.com
Governor’s Behavioral Health Services Planning Council – Wes Cole
10:00 a.m. Annual Elections
Current Officers and Board
2014-2016 President – Sue Lewis (completing partial term)
2015-2017 Vice President – Eric Harkness (1st term)
2014-2016 Secretary - Mark Wiebe (completing partial term)
2015-2017 Treasurer – Andy Brown (1st term)
Andy Brown
Jane Adams
Glen Yancey
Susan Crain Lewis
Rick Cagan
SallyAnne Schneider
Sky Westerlund
Walt Hill
Kyle Kessler
Carol Manning
Mark Wiebe (one year partial term)
Stephen Feinstein
Bob Chase
Eric Harkness
David Elsbury
Board of Directors: Patrick Yancey, Bill Persinger, Jane Adams, Rick Cagan, Walt Hill
Officers: President – Susan Lewis
10:30 a.m. Legislative Update
Mental Health Medication Advisory Committee – May 10, 2016
SB 249 - Budget signed by Governor. Additional allotments by the Governor will reduce Medicaid reimbursements.
State Hospitals Privatization and Recertification
Adult Continuum of Care Committee - new committee will begin meeting in June to build on the initial recommendations.
SB 323 Jason Flatt Act - Suicide Prevention
SB 341 Step Therapy for Medicaid Medications
SB 447 Tax Checkoff for Behavioral Health Programs
Other KDADS issues and legislation - SB 460, SB 422, SB 446, SB 449.
SB 367 Juvenile Justice Reform
HB 2018 Medication for Binge Eating Disorder
HB 2534 Seclusion and Restraint Legislation
10:45 a.m. Update from Nikki Gilliland, Kansas Dept. for Aging and Disability Services
Agency updates, including 4% budget cuts
11:25 a.m. Announcements
11:30 a.m. Adjourn
For more information, contact: Kansas Mental Health Coalition
c/o Amy A. Campbell, Lobbyist, P.O. Box 4103, Topeka, KS 66604
785-969-1617, fax: 785-271-8143 campbell525@sbcglobal.net